Play Active 8 Week Challenge

Sale price Price $199.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

The Play Active 8 Week challenge will keep you in line. Keeping you on track, smashing those health & fitness goals, helping you maintain or regain that confidence of looking and feeling good again.

Providing you with all the tools you need to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Enjoy a supportive community with exclusive Facebook group, helping you keep accountable daily.

Enjoy a variety of workouts, nutritional guidance using the flexible dieting approach setting calorie / macro targets to help you achieve your goal.

Achieve Fat Loss and Build Muscle, Tone and Shape your Body with this 5 day training program which includes 3 full body strength workouts, 2 days Cardio and daily step challenge of 10,000 steps.  All workout programs are App based, all accessable from the palm of your hand, with exercise videos showing you correct technique to get the most out of your workouts and make notes of your progress with a notes section on each exercise on your workout. 

Choose to train at the Gym or at Home. 

Home equipment requires, Booty band, Long Light Band, Swiss Ball, Dumbbells or Kettlebells. 

This is an Online Challenge, which can be done from anywhere in the world.

Weekly weight and measurement check ins to track your progress making sure you are on track with your 2022 goals!

Create Healthy Habits, a Strong Mindset, Building Body Confidence this Winter!

Let's do this! 

Win $500 1st Prize, 2nd Prize $100, 3rd Prize $50 

Sign Up Now - for email updates and the next challenge date

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